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Wine bottles with menu on a table with a tea cup

Our Rather Eccentric Menus

Please scroll down to explore our different menus and click on each to enlarge

the menu for easy viewing and booking ahead of your Group Booking or Event.
Please remember to choose your 
Tiddley Tea,  Prohibition Tea, Gentleman's Tea
or Festive Teas (Christmas only) at the time of booking.


Cutlery Faded & Trans

The Eccentric Englishman Main Menu

When booking your Occasion, Group's Event or Speciality Tea Experience,
Lord and Lady Muck have devised a devilish array of tempting delicacies,

with your delight and satisfaction in mind.
Here you will be able to see the Tiddley Tea, Prohibition Tea, Gentleman's Tea,
Children's Menus & Cocktails


Grey Goblet
Hand-drawn Gift Trans 40%
Cake under Cloche 60% trans

Christmas Menu

Throughout the year The Eccentric Englishman offers seasonal menus, with all manner of your favourite treats to help celebrate the occasion and make the time of year feel special.

Our Christmas Menu is available from 1st December to 30th December.

Please choose your choice of Festive Tea at the time of booking to ensure the Christmas Elves make enough festive treats.

Tureen 60% trans
Hand-drawn Fruit Trans 40%.
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